Thursday 6 August 2015

Words of wisdom.

This morning I am sitting here preparing to return to my university for the first time since graduating in 2012. I am beyond excited and honored to have been given the opportunity to not only meet but share my experiences with this year's McGill University: Bachelor of Education graduating class. With only having such a short time to speak with them, I thought I would share some words of advice from both teachers and students that I have gathered through social media and discussions with my current grade 11 students.
From one teacher to another...
Don’t be scared to ask for help because you do not need to reinvent the wheel. Don’t worry if you don’t “feel like a teacher” you will have that moment eventually! – Kylie, Native Resource 7-11
It’s never personal, but it is okay to cry when it feels personal. Be unafraid to laugh with all of your might. – Natasha, English 6-9
It is okay to run off course, to seize the teachable moment. Sometimes that lesson will be worth so much more. Asking for help does not make you weak; it shows determination to be that much better. – Karina, French 1.
You learn a lot more from your students than they might be learning from you. Watch them excel in areas outside of the classroom. You cannot except or demand that they respect you; you must earn it, just like they must earn yours. – Robyn, Media Lit., ERC, Drama and history, 8-11.
Never underestimate a student no matter their needs or situation. If you lead them and believe in them, and just give them the opportunity to surprise you it is amazing what they can accomplish. – Daniel, CFER pre work, and WOTP.
You are teaching kids, not a subject. They know if you want to be there or not. Care about them as people first, students second. Own your mistakes and laugh at yourself. You are not perfect, and that is perfectly fine. – Karen, Literacy Program 7-8.
Be yourself, when teaching and when interviewing. Apply, apply, apply. Interviews are great experience and it will only land you a job. Do not give up. Focus on what you want and you will get it. – Heather.
From current students to future teachers...
Make sure students understand completely, use examples. Do not put students on the spot. It is intimidating and embarrassing. – Myriam, 11.
Give students more of a free mind and more hands on instead of having to always go step by step. – Heidi, 11.
Be who you are. Do not try and be someone who you are not. Be understanding. Do not be closed minded. Let the students have their side of the story. –Travis, 11.
Do not be too strict. Be friendly, and joke around. Do not give out tons of homework. – Connor, 11.
Let your students listen to music. – Devonte, 11.
Be strict, but not too strict. Get along with your students, and do not give a lot of homework. - Brandon, 11.
Just because you are a teacher it does not mean you are always right. – Tim, 11.
Be friendly, but with rules. – Max, 11.
To the graduating class of 2015,
Congratulations. Be you, and enjoy.
Ms. Elizabeth A. 
*Enjoy some previous posts on teaching below: "go for it" , "a little head start never hurt" and "the power of environment".
*Follow @ms.elizabeth.a on instagram !

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